About Us

Hello! I'm Emily, a rancher's wife, mom to two rowdy little boys & the working hands behind Wall Leather Co. We’re blessed to live on the family ranch, where the boys & my small business get to run wild!

My days are fueled by equal parts coffee and Jesus, which is the best balance l've found yet. Give me a holler if you can top that combo, but I am doubtful.

Our Story

Wall Leather originated in Pendleton, OR in 2019, where my husband Jackson & I were attending college. I was going for an agriculture teaching degree & he was going for a piece of paper that says he can do things. (AKA, a backup plan in case the farm life ever fell through.)

During our few years there, Jackson spent a summer working with a local boot maker, who added to his pre-existent knowledge in the leatherworking industry. That sparked an interest in me, but only because I decided I wanted him to make me a pair of tooled leather earrings. I pestered him for a long time & he finally sat me down one evening & showed me how to do it instead. Not quite what I asked of him, but in retrospect, I’m glad it panned out that way!

I shared my first few pairs of tooled leather earrings to my friends & family on social media & was met with an overwhelmingly positive response. I’ve had an entrepreneurial spirit since I was young, so it didn’t take much prodding to get me to open an Etsy shop.

My little side hustle carried us through the completion of college, followed by us moving home to Jackson’s family ranch. We married in the summer of 2020 & by the time our first little boy was on the way in 2021, I was able to take on Wall Leather full time.

What. A. Blessing.

It’s been a wild ride since then! I added metal stamping to the works, & most recently, I find silver scattered across my desk. Such a cool trade to be learning. I love being multi-passionate because it means I’ll never get bored. Even if I did think for a moment that I was bored though, I’d be quickly reminded of the bookkeeping, emails & social media posts that also fall on my shoulders.

My Greatest Thanks…

To everyone who's supported my venture, know that every purchase is not just a transaction, but a validation of my hard work and a testament to the grace that's brought me here. God’s blessings are abundant in my life, but YOU, the people who shower my business with love & support, are seriously cherished.

I also absolutely could not keep this business alive without the never-ending help from my family here. I have the best people!

Thanks for stopping by & getting to know me. Let’s raise a big cup of coffee to the adventures that are to come! Cheers, friends.